
Showing posts from February, 2012

Change of Plans

Not being found of the idea of getting a weekly shot, I called my insurance copany and prescription coverage and found I don't need to try Enbrel before getting Rituxan. I've had Rituxan before and it an IV infusion every six months. Both have plan to help with prescription co-pays as well. I called my doctor and yesterday she agreed to set me up with Rituxan. Now I'm just waiting for when. Thankfully I work for a very awsome company now with great insurance that has an out of pocket cap, I know that I will easily met that cap.. just gotta work on paying on that cap to keep a float. Right now my hands are very swollen and hurt, although I shouldn't type right now I wanted to share.

TB Test

Had to get a TB test done today to start the enbrel later this week. I don't remember it sting as much but it did. Not sure if I'm going to get to start enbrel on Wednesday or I may have to reschedule do to lack of time, but we'll see. I'm feeling OK, but very tired. My schdule is a bit full with work, kids, doctors, and thearpy... a bit too much but thankfully it won't last for long.

Left arm turning at elbow

I've been talking about my left arm since November. I'm back on 5mg of prednisone, so my arm is almost straight by itself. A little bit of work, stretching and all, the elbow does go straight but it still not normal. The elbow is opening all the way, but to me, the elbow is bending in an odd position. Like when you see a joint that is starting to get deformed, it is no longer straight and often bends. Well I'm working on getting the RA to stop, but my five or so years without insurance has taken its toll on my body. Only 32 years but the damage can easily be seen. I'll have to share some picture later on. Enbrel company called today, which was really nice, they were asking if I had any questions, verifying when I'll start taking Enbrel (the 15th of Feb.), and to let me know they have a free nurse to answer questions and professional to answer insurance questions. Enbrel also had co-pay assistance for me which will give the enbrel free for six month, then 10 per ...

Another Wonderful play with Mother Nature

Its that "Women's Mother Nature" time for me again. The wonder pain of every join hurting and funny aches all over my body. Off and on I've been hot and cold. I assume funny levels of Iron since my iron goes low. No energy and cramps. What a wonderful weekend this is going to be. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow, so I'm not planning on doing much. My hands ache but I do my best just to keep doing what I wish. Women have always been grumpy and not feeling well during a harsh month, but it can sure take a toll when a body isn't already up to par. Maybe next month will be better. My day job and my online jobs all including typing, so my hands are good at taking a beating. When I get into a pool everything feels better until I have to get out again. I dream of one day having an indoor pool so I can use it anytime. Its seems like the public pools are either never open at the right time or over crowded.


Well I want to do more. 1. to lose weight and 2. because I've been told to stretch more. I've already over done it a bit as my right knee is throbbing in pain. The pain is never just one spot in the knee. The pain is all around the knee. My left elbow is going straight but aches. My right arm is having odd pain going down my arm between the shoulder and elbow, kind of odd but it is an annoying pain. My hands throbbed today at work too, so they aren't liking to type too much today. I'm going to go try a hot shower and sleep. I got my prescriptions filled today so tomorrow I'll add 5mg of prednisone to my my pills so hopefully I can keep moving and fill better soon. Although it hurts, I want to lose weight and start moving more. I can't wait for summer as a pool would be wonderful right now... maybe I'll be able to get a hot tub in the future.

Yeah. Saw a Rheumatologist

I finally got to see a Rheumatologist. It has been about five year due to the loss of insurance. At first I wasn't sure, but shortly after meeting her. I knew I found the right doctor for my RA. She quickly saw my issues and I could see she really cared. On Monday I have to go get a TB injection. Wednesday I get the TB injection read and then my first Embrel shot. I really really hate needles but I'm going to do my best to work over that part. Stopping pain and destructing to bones is defiantly worth the darn injection. I just hate that it is one a week. The Rituxan that I had in the past would be every six months, but the insurance company require that we try other method's first. The doctor, Kimberly Leaird, also informed me that Embrel is also the best to stop bone damage with the tb blockers. Just have to see if it works. I would like Embrel to work, but still not overly happy over a weekly injecting. Did a lot of walking after the appointment. We got groceries an...