
Lots have changed since my last post. I was told to stop taking everything. The rheumatologist thinks rituxan is not working for me. I started to feel much much better. Then the rheumatologist put me back on methotrexate and 5 mg of prednisone. Big Day coming up October 29th. the day to try Orencia. Not too sure how I feel about it, but I'm willing to try it. My Rhuematologist is very good so I trust she will find the right answer in the end. Thank god my insurance has an out of pocket cap. I won't have to worry until January as I have already met my out of pocket cap for this year. I will share the wonderful expense and experience as we go through this new treatment. Fingers crossed this works cause I hate needles. From what I understand I'll have three infusion, taking about an hour each, two weeks apart. Then once a month. I'm expecting big results for getting an IV once a month or we won't get too far with this treatment. Overall things are going really we...