The wonderful Stomach Bug

Going around work is the wonderful stomach bug, it may be the stomach flu but no one has seen the doctor to confirm. My co-workers are so nice and wonderful that I have also picked up this illness. It started on Friday the 25th. I woke up sore and just felt off but I pushed to head towards a podiatrist appointment. I never made it. I pulled over once to be sick and then again a 2nd time. Thankfully my husband was with me and drove us home. I’ll now have to wait a month to get another appointment. My podiatrist appointment is for issues with my feel. I can stand about 45 minutes before my feet start to hurt a lot. Like standing on pins and I have to get off. Since I love to walk, hike, and go to amusement parks this is another obstacle standing in my way. Thankfully I do have a manual wheelchair but my husband health no longer allows him to push me and my arms are unable to do it myself for long. If I try to wheel myself my shoulder will go out. I’m not sure what the doctor’s would ...