Long Day
Another long day for me. My joint just started to un-stiff at 1:00 this after noon and I've been up since 5:30 this morning. My left foot hurts as well. When I walk on it, it feel like there is a swollen or pulled mussel on top of the foot. My knees where also weak this morning, although I was too stubborn to take my cane to work. I think people look at me funny when I have to use. I think all of this is currently due to the bad snow storm we are suppose to get this Friday. It should only be three inches but down here in the mountain and skinny roads it becomes a big mess because they can't salt everywhere that needs it. It very hard to go up hills covered in ice. I have still managed to almost get through the work day, I have an hour before it time to go and it there are no phone calls coming in, I wrote an article on Associated Content and one for Ehow so far. And I'm currently working on this post for the RA blog. So even with the stiffness and pain I keep p...