Doctor Appointments

Doctor appointments are just part of having RA, like many other conditions. Majority of the problem is paying for the doctor but then fitting all the appointments into your schedule can be hard as well. Last month I had to cancel my appointment due to schedule change at work and set it for February 25, then yesterday I got a call that the doctor had to cancel the appointment. Frustrated to say the lest. The Orencia I don't feel is working that wonderfully.. on the other hand if my sed rate is getting better maybe it is worth it to keep using. I was really looking forward to the appointment for the answers to my questions. Well my next schedule weekday off was Feb 25th, doctor is not available that day either. So I got taking March 11th for my next appointment. Thankfully I have wonderful co-worker who help me out by switching days. My day job is a stressful job for most but I can normally handle that stress, but the stress I get from the doctor and the doctor's nurse if en...