Doctor Appointments

Frustrated to say the lest. The Orencia I don't feel is working that wonderfully.. on the other hand if my sed rate is getting better maybe it is worth it to keep using. I was really looking forward to the appointment for the answers to my questions. Well my next schedule weekday off was Feb 25th, doctor is not available that day either. So I got taking March 11th for my next appointment. Thankfully I have wonderful co-worker who help me out by switching days.
My day job is a stressful job for most but I can normally handle that stress, but the stress I get from the doctor and the doctor's nurse if enough to make me scream. I suggested to the nurse twice now that I may need to be referred to another doctor who has more time, as we have had schedule problems in the past. I was told I'd have to go back to my family doctor to get a referral else where. While my insurance is awesome and doesn't require a referral the doctor's I have called do.
So with all this wonderful stress I went for a walk on my breaks at work. In our back parking lot you can see the mountains such a wonderful a pretty view. The view was just what I need to relax some. Not as awesome as the photo above but relaxing. Nature has always had a calming effect for me.
So we are going to continue with the self injection of Orencia and hope it is doing good. I just don't like needles still.
Note: picture is from They have many amazing cabins for a nice get a way.
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