Rough days with Cold Weather

We had some fun with my liver functions being messed up. The doctor took me off the methotrexate and thankfully they went back to normal. So no more methotrexate for me. Now the methotrexate is one of the main drugs used to help stop or slow down the Rheumatoid Arthritis. So right now we are praying the Orencia can do it all.

With the cold weather though I been getting harsh sharp pains in my lower back, hip, hands, knees, and shoulders. I called into the doctor and got some tramadol. I made the mistake of taking a whole one tonight. I'm a bit of a light weight so next time I'll take only half. I can still feel the pain a little but I don't like the cloudiness in my head feeling I get. Now I am 33 years old but I totally understand why it seems people move to warmer climates as they retire.

Monday is my next infusion day. My goal is to drink lots of water on Sunday to make the IV part go as smooth as possible.

Days like today make me not want to get out of bed but I've managed to work eight hours, thankfully on a computer, then come home and work on some articles and a few blogs. Thankfully my family has done most of the physical part of today. My husband made dinner, it was leftover night thankfully as he had worked too. The children did a wonderful job cleaning up. I'm just very thankful on days like today they are here for me.

This is the end of my night for today. Off for a nice shower and bed.


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