Losing Weight with RA

Losing Weight is difficult on its own. For people with other related health issues it can be even harder. For people with health issues that affect joints and mussels the best way to exersice is the water. Because the water take the pressure off the body and allows the person to beable to move more. Unfortuanly I don't own a pool and don't have much time. I'm a mother, a wife, a router for a cable company, an online writer, and a gamer. Multitasking is my friend as I often don't do just one thing at a time, but you can easily see where the lack of time is. Especailly when everyone is telling me to make sure to get a full eight to ten hours of sleep. I'm averiging about six right or less right now, just having a hard time staying asleep. I do have a prescription to help with that but I don't like to take it on nights when I have to get up early the next day.

So losing weight is just plain hard, but I really want to lose some pounds. It would help me to take off some pressure from the joints and make me feel better. Since I know my time is limited I decided the exercising will need to be something I do from home. Fully knowing that exercising can also cause a flare up.

Last night was just horrible. From should to should everything is tight. I feel a big squished. Just having my husband rub a mussel rub on it hurt. I took a hot shower and stretched while I was in the shower. This helped some. I probably really need a Chiropractor or a Massage therapist, but like I said not much time.

This just adds to my point that I need to lose weight and exercise more. Now tomorrow is also Thanksgiving so I have cooking to do, thankfully my husband is here to help too tomorrow. The best way to exercise and fit that into my schedule is to do more at home. So this morning I made the kids breakfast. Nothing too hard. I pored the cereal, made one oatmeal in the microwave, opened a can of apple sauce, and made coffee (for me). Then I baked some peanut butter cookies. Cleaned the kitchen. Started the laundry. I'm sore and tired and currently taking my break typing this. When I done, I'm going to go put the dishes from the dishwasher away, eat something, put the laundry in the dryer, and get dressed. I'm going to stretch out some more while I get dressed to try to get this darn pain in the neck to ease up.

Now much of that is daily like. Eating and house cleaning. I don't normally do much of the house cleaning. We have three floors, so we have two sets of wonderful stairs to go up and down. My computer is on the bottom floor too. However, today leads me to my wonderful idea of exercising but simply helping the other family members out. I'm just going to push and keep doing what I can. Stop when it is too much. Going up and down the stairs is starting to bother my right knee, but I'll just have to wrap it up and use some mussel rub.

So if you are in the same boat as me, try using house hold chores to exercise. Don't say your house is all clean and done. If you think that, please tell me the last time the walls where washed, baseboards washed and dusted, clean out the cupboards, reorganize something.  (like the closets) My point isn't that we all have dirty homes, it just that you can come up with something around the home that also includes some physical actives. Although this is still a bit to squeeze into the schedule it helps to not have to go anywhere to do this.

If house chores are all done or the projects are just too big to start right now, consider playing a game. Not a sit down game but one that get you up and moving. Like the Wii or Xbox Kinect. These are a great way to have fun with the family and exercise. Just need to be careful not to do too much. I know the last time we played the Beatles Rock Band game on the Wii. I played the drums and the next day I had a hard time moving. It was also totally fun. I can't wait to do that again.

Losing weight will cause us to challenge ourselves to get up and move. The hardest part is finding a balance. It going to hurt, just have to try anyhow.

Note: Picture is by Ayla87


  1. I even found a way to add exersice to my work day. On lunch and break I went outside and walked. I have to admit I'm sore but it feels good to be moving. Even if I just sat I would be sore, so I might as well do as I want.


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