Rheumatoid Arthritis and Stress

Stress and Rheumatoid Arthritis are not a good combination. I have a stressful office job routing out tech's route. However, the job doesn't stress me out to the point it affects my health. I actually enjoy my work and look forward to learning and figuring out problems. However some of life's other stresses can really be a pain, really a big pain.

Stress can affect even healthy people. Stress can cause stomach problems, sleepless nights, headaches, and depression. When you have Rheumatoid Arthritis you get to have the added fun of RA flares, mussels cramps, and exhaustion.  When life is stressful there are things you can do to help reduce your stress level.

Water can be a huge help. One day I hope to have a hot tub, but taking a nice hot bath will work as well. A hot bath or using a hot tub is a great way to use heat to loosen up your mussels and give you time to just relax.

Swimming is also a good way to ease mussels because the water takes the pressure off your body. Swimming can also help you to get more sleep. You can move easier in the water and have less pain, therefor you can get good exercise that your body needs which will help you to sleep.

Calm down and talk about it. You can get mad, you can yell and scream but nothing is going to help reduce your stress until you clam down and talk. Even stresses that can't be changed or fixed can be easier to handle if you talk to people about them. This blog and my online writing is my stress relief. I love to talk about life, things I have learned, and share my opinions about everything.

There are many ways to reduce stress doing activities that you love. Singing, dancing, playing music, playing games, walking, shopping, going out, and being with family can all be ways to reduce stress. Seeking medical advice from a doctor is another way to help with stress and the effects of stress. Sometime I have to see the doctor for mussel relaxer or meds to ease flare ups to help reduce the effects of life's stress.


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