
Showing posts from 2010

Cold Weather

That wonderful cold weather is here. As much as I like to see and try to play in the snow, cold weather is still a pain. Many people complain about their joints and for many rheumatoid arthritis suffers the cold can be extremely painful. For some reason when I get a handful of something cold, like hamburger, not only is this cold for me but it send pain right up my arm. This is why my hamburgers are cooked by someone else. Here are some ways to help ease the pain from the cold. Keep yourself warm this winter. Gloves, hats, coat, and hot chocolate. Stay Hydrated. Joints hurt less when you get the right amount of water. Use skin lotion. I don't know why but using lotion on my hands makes my knuckles feel much much better. Stretch every morning. Use warm water to help ease hurting joints.

Looking for a WheelChair

I've been so very busy the last few months but I have made some improvements. Sadly I'm not currently treating my RA with the doctor at the clinic. Boils down to too much over all with the monthly visits, blood works, and medications that didn't work well enough for me. So I'm doing what I can from home starting with drink plenty of water and doing what ever I can to keep moving. I have also gotten a handicap placard for those days I can't really walk. Now I need to get a wheelchair for those bad days as well. Because I live in a tourist town, there is not always a wheelchair available for me to use. I'm not looking for anything fancy just a manual folding wheelchair. I was very supprised to find the weight of these chair starting around 40lbs. They do make ultra light wheelchairs, but they cost hundreds more. Making it a bit difficult to handle since on those bad day I can't even lift a gallon of milk. I made a wish on for a wheelchair...

Arthritis Support Community

Arthritis Support Community is a great online support for anyone know lives or wants to know more about Arthritis. I have only been on the site for a few days but I have already made some really nice friends. There are lots of helpful idea on ways to help heal, prevent damage, and live with arthritis.

What You Need To Know About Arthritis Foundation

What You Need To Know About Arthritis Foundation Author: Cindy Heller American Arthritis Foundation is the leading and most viable non-profit health organization that handles arthritis. They also sponsor all sorts of arthritis studies to treat arthritis in addition to providing educational information on arthritis to patients. Its vision is to assume the management of arthritis by making efforts to prevent, manage and find a cure for arthritis. Arthritis is the foremost cause of disability in America and the American Arthritis Foundation has five hundreds thousand volunteers and one hundred and fifty outlets that provide all sorts of courses and services to enable people to manage and combat arthritis. Educational books and comprehensively booklets on the management and surviving with arthritis are provided as well. American Arthritis Foundation has so far injected above three hundred millions to research and employ more than two thousands scientists, health care professio...

New Day Another dollar

Today has been an interesting long day. I'm still having RA problem with the Boswellia seems to be helping with some energy. The RA is effecting my feet and knees today.. making it a little painful to walk. I'm making great strides on finding some online work. I hoping to find work that I can do from home on my computer and make enough to live. Hopefully I should have many years before I need quit working, but I'm getting a head start just incase. Sadly I don't have any good or exciting news about Rheumatoid Arthritis this week. Just another day and still trying to struggle through.

How to improve joint stiffness

Joint stiffness can happen to anyone. From health issues like rheumatoid arthritis , grout, osteoarthritis, or an injury can cause joint stiffness. The old saying “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it” is true. If you don’t use your joint because they are stiff you could loose them. For example my grandma stopped using her hands because they were stiff and it hurt; sadly her hand got worse and shriveled up. This is an extreme case, but it does happen. Pain does indicant rest, but long term of not using a joint can cause harm to the joint. These steps will help to relieve the stiffness. Read More

Boswellia is working great

I remember to stick with taking the Boswellia with every meal. The ones I got are two tablet at a time up to three times a day. I simple take two with each meal and I'm feeling better. Still some sore spots, but much better then I was before. More snow coming this weekend here in Sevierville, TN, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

About Centocor | New Way RA™

About Centocor | New Way RA™ Interesting new program/talk show all about RA. I watch the show offered online and signed up for a free DVD. This could help us find some interesting information on RA.

New Treatment for Rheumatiod Arthritis Now this sounds promising. They want to know if the medication will work, even if it does it will be unaffordable by most of us. They said the price tag will be about $16,000 per year. Hey after that deduction from my paycheck I'll have just under $3000 to live on per year. It only take two working parents just to make ends meets. I don't know where they think a person can come up with that kind of money. Insurance, now that's a joke. No one wants someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis and if they do let you have insurance there is a year waiting list for preexisting conditions. This isn't all bad news. They are researching and working on our problem. Hopefully they will find an answer and a way to give it to everyone who needs it. As far as volunteers to try out the medications, I want to know where I can sign up. I've tried before, but there is never anywhere ...

Bad Flare up

This has been a long weekend. My RA is flared up with the bad weather. We got a little bit of snow, ice, and lots of rain. My husband found the ice on Sunday at work. He fell, slide into a golf cart, and hurt his back. He is ok but his back is very bruised. So he been hurting and not doing much, which leaves me to push harder and keep moving.  Now in all fairness I haven't been telling my husband about all my problems because there is nothing we can do about them. We have no money and the clinic doctor will have to wait till March. My hands hurt 24 hours. In my left hand my ring finger easily gets stuck. When you look at the palm of the end their is two swollen balls to the mussel to the finger. (at least I think it mussels). Between my bottom thumb knuckle and my wrist is another Swollen bump that will come and go.  Both of my wrist hurt. The left wrist doesn't want to move at all in the mornings. Putting pressure on things is very hard to do. I can barley open medicine bot...

Long Day

Another long day for me. My joint just started to un-stiff at 1:00 this after noon and I've been up since 5:30 this morning. My left foot hurts as well. When I walk on it, it feel like there is a swollen or pulled mussel on top of the foot. My knees where also weak this morning, although I was too stubborn to take my cane to work. I think people look at me funny when I have to use. I think all of this is currently due to the bad snow storm we are suppose to get this Friday. It should only be three inches but down here in the mountain and skinny roads it becomes a big mess because they can't salt everywhere that needs it. It very hard to go up hills covered in ice. I have still managed to almost get through the work day, I have an hour before it time to go and it there are no phone calls coming in, I wrote an article on Associated Content and one for Ehow so far. And I'm currently working on this post for the RA blog. So even with the stiffness and pain I keep p...

Living with RA: The Frustrations of Living with Pain - Associated Content -

My story about the start of RA and hurtful comments that people make. People just don't think before they think. Living with RA: The Frustrations of Living with Pain - Associated Content - Posted using ShareThis


I have just discovered an interesting story on WebMD about a lady with a baby who found out she had RA. She was have many difficulties after getting the OK from her doctor, due to breast feeding, she tried Boswellia and Fish Oil to naturally fight the Rheumatoid Arthritis. I found this very interesting as I had not heard of Boswellia before this. I found out that Boswellia helps with a nice list of thing including Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis, Menstrual craps, and Asthma. Boswellia is also more gentle on stomachs then other non-steroid drugs and there doesn't seem to be any known medicine interactions that were know. (Please ask your doctor just to be safe.) After about a week many people are rating this very high saying it is amazing. Plus Boswellia is not very expensive at all. I found it on Amazon (link in picture below) for only $3.69 for 100 caps that have to be take twice a day. Therefor only an expensive of $3.69 every two months. I'm very excited to try this medication an...

Being Tired and missing Rituxan

I have been trying to get caught up with my on-line work but I have just been plainly tired and sore. Rheumatoid Arthritis flare ups seem to be worse for me just before and during my monthly time, which is most likely the reason why I'm so tired right now. People can notice that I'm sore and tired too. Especially in the morning when I'm moving slowly. I heard those wonderful remarks today from people; "You not old enough to feel that way" or "I'm older then you are and I can move faster then that". I've never understood these remarks and they really drive me crazy. "Yes I'm young for moving so slow and I'm happy you can move better then I can, thank for pointing that out." I usually try not to be so rude but that is what I really wish I could say. Lately I stuck with comment like "I keep telling my bones that but they just are not listening." Many things can contribute to making RA hurt. One thing is stress. It has b...


One of the first things I have learned about living with RA and no medical is to find other ways to help to ease the pain. Days like today, rainy, tends to make my joints more painful. With spring hopefully around the corner there will be more rainy days. With that in mind I was thinking about restocking my glucosamine. Glucosamine is a great supplement for anyone with Arthritis. This has help me and many other people I know to reduce and improve the condition of their joints. After taking Glucosamine for a little over a week I found my joint have less inflammation and pain. My husband eventually also got some arthritis in his hands. He also gave the glucosamine a try. Two weeks later he told me his hand were feeling much better. There are many herbs and vitamins that can help but when I'm telling people about who to help with arthritis, glucosamine is the first one that I tell them about. According to “A 2009 scientific review of ava...

Long Week

This week has been particularly long. With the wonderful cold weather we have been having I have been pushing myself even harder. Now I'm left sore and tired. I have been taught how to crochet by my coworkers. We are very slow at work right now so we have time to crochet between calls. I'm surprised at how much crocheting made my hand hurt at first. I did not give up though. I decided that this would be a good exercise for my hands. I do type at home and at work, but crocheting seems to use more or different mussels. Each day I would crochet until my hands hurt. Right now I can crochet almost all day long until the end of the work day. If I can keep this up I'll have my first crocheted blanket by spring. I have listed many good article links on the blog today. Some are for grout. Grout and RA seem to be closely related. Many things that we do to ease the Rheumatoid pain will work for a grout suffer and some of there techniques may help us with are RA. With the recall of...

How to Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis (Natural Treatment) |

How to Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis (Natural Treatment) | Posted using ShareThis

METHOTREXATE - ORAL (Rheumatrex) side effects, medical uses, and drug interactions.

METHOTREXATE - ORAL (Rheumatrex) side effects, medical uses, and drug interactions. Posted using ShareThis

How to use Natural Cures, Vitamin C for Gout |

How to use Natural Cures, Vitamin C for Gout | Posted using ShareThis

How to Use Home Care Solutions for Joint Pain Relief from Gout |

How to Use Home Care Solutions for Joint Pain Relief from Gout | Posted using ShareThis

How to Assess Side Effects of Joint Heatlh Supplements |

How to Assess Side Effects of Joint Heatlh Supplements | Posted using ShareThis

How to Use Black Bean Broth for Natural Gout Treatment |

How to Use Black Bean Broth for Natural Gout Treatment | Posted using ShareThis

How to Prevent Gout ...More Natural Cures |

How to Prevent Gout ...More Natural Cures | Posted using ShareThis