Losing Weight with RA

Losing Weight is difficult on its own. For people with other related health issues it can be even harder. For people with health issues that affect joints and mussels the best way to exersice is the water. Because the water take the pressure off the body and allows the person to beable to move more. Unfortuanly I don't own a pool and don't have much time. I'm a mother, a wife, a router for a cable company, an online writer, and a gamer. Multitasking is my friend as I often don't do just one thing at a time, but you can easily see where the lack of time is. Especailly when everyone is telling me to make sure to get a full eight to ten hours of sleep. I'm averiging about six right or less right now, just having a hard time staying asleep. I do have a prescription to help with that but I don't like to take it on nights when I have to get up early the next day. So losing weight is just plain hard, but I really want to lose some pounds. It would help me to take o...