Cost of Orencia
Now before my complaint starts for the overall cost. Orencia does have a co-pay assistance program, which I have signed up for and hopefully will be approved.
This is for once orencia infusion which the first four are done two weeks apart and then once a month.
So this is the total cost of one infusion which is a half hour and necessary lab work. There was two chair in what looked about the size of three small gallery style kitchen. Now this room had less to offer then the previous room when they used to give the RA meds with the cancer meds. No TV, No snacks, and No water provided this time. Not that snacks where needed for just a half hour, but TV and water would have been nice. My point here is to not put down the office, but to show that this was nothing more then a spot in a chair with a half hour infusion. Had I not had my insurance, Which is what show above I paid zero out of pocket (I've met my out of pocket cap for the year), I would have went bankrupt with just this one treatment trail.
Now I don't have the breakdown yet of how much of that was for the orencia and how much was a charge for the seat and the IV itself. It is easy to see why so many people suffer with medical issues that can be fixed, it all boils down to money.
This is for once orencia infusion which the first four are done two weeks apart and then once a month.
So this is the total cost of one infusion which is a half hour and necessary lab work. There was two chair in what looked about the size of three small gallery style kitchen. Now this room had less to offer then the previous room when they used to give the RA meds with the cancer meds. No TV, No snacks, and No water provided this time. Not that snacks where needed for just a half hour, but TV and water would have been nice. My point here is to not put down the office, but to show that this was nothing more then a spot in a chair with a half hour infusion. Had I not had my insurance, Which is what show above I paid zero out of pocket (I've met my out of pocket cap for the year), I would have went bankrupt with just this one treatment trail.
Now I don't have the breakdown yet of how much of that was for the orencia and how much was a charge for the seat and the IV itself. It is easy to see why so many people suffer with medical issues that can be fixed, it all boils down to money.
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