Oberservation of Daily life

Now I know everyone get those feelings at times. The ones that makes them feel odd or think no one understand them. However I get this the worst when I use my wheelchair. I don't always have to use a wheelchair. With RA it depends what day it is. If I have step wrong or something is flaring up or if I done too much walking or shopping for one day will all cause me a need to either stop or use the wheelchair. Well I totally refuse to stop. I'm going to do what I want one way or another. On the same side though I can't enjoy shopping or effectively shop wisely if I'm in pain.

My husband and I had been out Christmas shopping. We had gone threw four thrift store, a mall, four stores, and was about to go to walmart. Now Walmart never has enough electronic carts to go around so my husband pulled out my own wheelchair. Inside we found a bulky item at a great price that he wanted to run out to the car. (don't want to give away the item yet). So he went to check out and would return to me. I rolled my self into the lawn and garden. I was enjoying looking at all the Christmas displays. Now I have to admit it is very hard for me to roll myself. I do it but a little slow. So I stay to the right of the isle yet it seems some people still act like I'm in the way.

I get odd looks from people, which I do my best to ignore. I also have people who will reach around me for item instead of simple excuse me. I can move if I'm in the way. Ok, maybe they are trying to be kind an not make me have to move. Then I get the people who will rush right in front of me, making me stop so I don't hit them. It the same as cutting off a driver.

Now when I do use a store electronic cart it seems to get even worse. People don't know what my problems are and can't see them. I get rude looks, rude comments, and even my family get treated different. The last time I used the electric cart was when we were grocery shopping. I was showing our children that price label on the cereal so they can pick out the right flavor but at the best price. The store was busy but the few people who did come down that isle made the whole family feel in the way as they just grabbed around us and said that people wouldn't need those cart if they just learned to walk.

Not all people are really rude I just feel that don't understand. Never just assume. Besides I don't see what my mode of transportation bothers other people anyhow.


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